Monday, December 12, 2011

The 12 Guilts of Christmas My Conscience Gave to Me

Feel free to sing the popular Christmas carol's music along to these..

1. Will they really like this?
2. Can I ask them for a gift receipt?
3. Did I buy them enough?
4. But I didn't get YOU anything!
5. Who else did I forget??
6. Does my gift equal yours?
7. No gift for the garbage man.
8. I forgot to send them a card!
9. Said no thanks to a charity. 
10. They don't understand my gift!
11. Can't believe I ate all that.
12. How can I ever pay this off?

Ah, it's Christmas time and magic is in the air.  The constant holiday music.  The endless cookies and pies.  The sparkling Christmas tree lights.  And the best one of all...our old, soft and cuddly friend, Guilt.  The twinge that hits your gut when someone gives you a present when you didn't get them anything.  Or the temptation to drop a rebound card in the mail when you open one from someone you forgot.  The look of disappointment or confusion on someone's face when they open up a gift that they don't like or worse yet, understand.  Figuring out if it's okay to actually exchange something, even if the gift receipt IS taped to the box.  Trying to write in a weekly budget for "ridiculous amounts of spending."  Eating every fatty thing that was made for you out of love and regretting it.  Feeling like a scrooge when you walk by the charity bell-ringer even though you've already donated.  These are a few of my least favorite things.

I am not saying these guilts are enough to ruin the holiday season for me.  Just that I wished I felt less of them.  It would be nice if we could re-wire what is expected at Christmas time.  If we could just spend time with (instead of money on) our loved ones.  If everyone could just get together and cook together or play games together or simply just enjoy each other's company.  It has become too cumbersome and commercialized and our wallets and our consciences can't afford it because we never know when to say enough is enough.  But, above all, I want to live free of referring to a Miss Manners guidebook on the most pleasant of holidays. 

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